Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A Day to Celebrate!

Today is a really special day.
We went to see Dr. Francis Wong for Ai Ai's 2-yr-old review for her hip, and...
Her left hip is totally stable now! :)
She no longer needs to go back for anymore reviews from now on!
Only thing Dr. Wong said to watch out for is that her collagen level could be a little low, and therefore may bruise easily.
Kids with extremely low levels of collagen break their bones very easily, but since Ai Ai has not broken any bones by now, she should be OK.

Since R was home today, I had the time to prepare something different for our lunch - an all-day breakfast.
The 2 lumps of brown stuff looks a little disgusting, but they're quite yummy *thick-skinned*
They're fried mushrooms and homemade corned beef (more like minced beef).

Here's the Ai Ai with her almost fully-eaten lunch.

1 comment:

The Beauties In Our Lives said...

Congrats to Sophie's good hip now!! Hooray!