Made this bread loaf 2 days ago, but it was a little flat as my loaf pan is pretty big. The little girl loves it and could happily chomp down two slices for breakfast.
Decided to make a slightly bigger loaf this time by multiplying the recipe by 1.5 times. Also replaced some wholewheat flour with oat bran and sprinkled steel-cut oats on top. I didn't use any bread machine... exercised my flabby arms instead.
Ingredients for my 9x5 loaf pan:
Sponge Dough:
225g bread flour
150ml water
1 1/2 tsp instant yeast
Main Dough:
75g plain flour
75g wholewheat flour
30g oat bran
37g brown sugar
75ml whole milk
75ml water
pinch of salt
22g butter
My lazy way of writing out the method for my on reference... please refer to Florence's blog for good and detailed instructions!
1. Mix ingredients for sponge dough and rest for 2.5 hours.
2. Add in the rest of the ingredients (butter last) and knead.
3. Shape into circle, rest for 15mins.
4. Punch down, shape into swiss roll and rest for 10mins.
5. Punch down, shape into swiss roll again and put in loaf pan for 45mins or 80% full. (Mine took only 30mins... I cheated by putting pan on top of a pot of hot water so it rises faster)
6. Brush with water and sprinkle with oat bran and oats.
7. Bake in 200 degrees C for 30-35mins.
Recipe from Florence of Do What I Like
Her recipes are really good... so far I have not failed with any of them *touchwood*
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