Sunday, February 28, 2010

Back to work...

OK, I've been in a holiday mood.

First it was the BIG move which rendered me totally web immobile as my IT department was a little slow in setting up my connection.
Then I lost the momentum to update my blog and instead immerse myself in CNBC website and property pages every day.
After 3 months of blog holiday, I think it's about time I get back in touch with my friends :)

Get ready for some very backdated postings and pictures!


The Beauties In Our Lives said...

Welcome back! I had such a great time browsing through all those wonderful photos. My goodness, I am so amazed that David and Sophie look so completely the same! It's so sweet how much Sophie loves him too! Enjoy the journey!! :)

YM said...

Yes, they do look alike! Except Soph's forehead was a bit narrower the first few months... doc says it's due to her breech position :)