Wednesday, April 1, 2009

First Day at School

Ai Ai has been asking to go to school cos her little friends (neighbours' kids) all go to school.
So we've decided to enrol her for a 1.5h daily playgroup session. within walking distance from our home.

At the door of the school, she couldn't wait to take off her shoes and queue up to get into the classroom.
She seemed alright when we left, but teacher said she cried after a short while, but was OK after a teaching assistant picked her up.

When we left the school, I asked her if she enjoyed school and she said yes, and that "Sophie cried".

Hope the coming days will be better!

Ai Ai posing in her school uniform
I've never seen her so eager to get dressed!

Ai Ai in class with teaching assistant

A very anxious Mommy who could not sleep last night
Actually Daddy couldn't sleep either :)

Ai Ai wondering "Why do I need to leave so soon?"
New students leave after 1 hour for the first 5 days.


viv said...

hey YM, my friend who stays near you also sent her son to this school for over a year. She said it was GOOD and the kid enjoyed his time there v much. Only enrolled him in another childcare much nearer her house when logistics issues kick in.

The Beauties In Our Lives said...

She looks real cute in her school uniform!

vg said...
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